Saunders original KICK version

The kick script is based on the stochastic search procedure originally defined by M. Saunders: "Stochastic Search for Isomers on a Quantum Mechanical Surface" M. Saunders, J. Comput. Chem. 2004, 25, 621 - 626.

The original Fortran code was rewritten in Javascript for web version.
This version "kicks" randomly each atom from its current position, providing investigation of potential energy surface without bias.

Articles published with this procedure in our group include: "Stochastic Search for Isomers of the sec-Butyl Cation V. Vrček, O. Kronja, M. Saunders, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2007, 3(3), 1223-1230.

Although, original script did not have minimal distance value, the same
was added for quick elimination of unfit structures.

Articles published with this procedure in our group include: "A computational study of the chlorination and hydroxylation of amines by hypochlorous acid" D. Šakić, M. Hanževački, D. M. Smith, V. Vrček, Org. Biomol. Chem. 2015, 13, 11740 - 11752.

Help from Valerije Vrček (discussion), Hendrik Zipse (documentation, suggestions) and Vasily Korotenko (testing) is greatly appreciated. Please report all suggestion, changes, improvements, and usage to


Distance parameter: (Angstrom)

Number of new files:

Minimal distance: (Angstrom)

Input XYZ coordinates*: